
What Factors Effect Antler Casting?

By February 26, 2024

Why and when do bucks drop their antlers? It’s what avid shed hunters want to know. But the antler casting of whitetail deer is not a one-size-fits-all situation. It varies from north to south. And in some cases, it varies considerably within a state. 

In the video below, Brian Murphy of HuntStand shares some insight on the factors that effect antler casting across the country. 

Murphy points out that antlers are cast as a result of changing testosterone levels in deer. These changes allow the antlers to be released each year. 

Interestingly, Murphy points out that studies show that captive bucks tend to cast their antlers within a few days of the same date each year. And both antlers are typically dropped within a 48 hour period. Again, that is in captive-raised bucks. Wild deer have many other variables that could make a difference in their dropping rate. 

What about you? When do you typically find sheds on the properties you hunt? How often do you find both sides? Comment below, and let us know.  

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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