Early velvet season opportunities are opening up in a few select parts of the country, sending some hunters into the treestand early in hopes of a velvet trophy walking by within bow range. It’s the early season trophy most bowhunters would love to check off their bucket list.
This month’s Age This Buck entry is a velvet specimen from the far north country of Minnesota. The July photo catches this handsome buck proudly posing for the camera as he strolls through the timber.
Check him out in the photo below…
What do you think? How old is this Minnesota buck?Â
Comment below with your best guess on age for a chance to win some great Bowhunting.com swag.Â
Last Month's Winner
A big thanks to everyone that took a guess on last month’s Age This Buck entry from the state of Texas. Tyler Barron has a lot of history with this buck over the years and says the buck is 6-years-old as of 2021.Â
Last month we only had 2 people guess the correct age! And since there were only 2, we’ve decided to give both of them prizes.
Last month’s winners are – Gerard Salvas&Daniel Pease – make sure to send us your info so we can send those prizes out!
Don’t forget to comment with your best guess for this month’s entry!Â
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.