If you’ve kept up with all the latest buzz on big buck stories and drama in the deer woods, you’ve likely heard of the giant Ohio buck killed by CJ Alexander. He killed the buck with a borrowed crossbow and treestand on November 9, 2023.
There was immediately a great deal of speculation on the potential for this buck. It was touted as a contender for the new Ohio state record and the third biggest whitetail of all time. However, a recent release from the Ohio DNR casts a dark shadow over Alexander’s success story with allegations that the buck was taken illegally.

The release states that wildlife officers from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife are investigating a potential record deer taken during the archery hunting season in Clinton County, Ohio. The deer was reported to have allegedly been taken by Christopher J. Alexander, 28, of Wilmington, on Nov. 9, 2023.
An investigation was launched by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources after information was provided alleging that Alexander failed to obtain the lawfully required written permission prior to hunting on private property. While the investigation continues, Ohio wildlife officers have seized the antlers, cape, and hunting equipment associated with the alleged unlawful taking of the deer.
Alexander claims to have taken the buck on a 30-acre chunk of ground owned by his sister. Officers will further investigate the legitimacy of these claims. We’ll keep an eye on this story as it develops.
The ODNR Division of Wildlife is dedicated to enforcing laws that protect Ohio’s wildlife. Input and concern from the public are integral to those enforcement efforts. Anyone who witnesses a wildlife violation in Ohio can call 1-800-POACHER (1-800-762-2437). Reports are kept anonymous. Information that results in a conviction of a wildlife crime may result in a reward.