HHA Tetra RYZ Review

By July 19, 20222 Comments
Multi-pin benefits in a single-pin configuration.

The #1 reason bowhunters are apprehensive about switching to a single-pin adjustable sight has now been resolved thanks to the HHA Tetra RYZ.

I will never forget the day Todd Graf told me I should switch to a single-pin adjustable sight.  My first reaction was “absolutely not!”.  I was a die-hard fixed-position multi-pin sight user and wasn’t about to change.  Never mind the fact that I rarely (or never) used most of those pins or that they cluttered up my view of the target.  I wasn’t changing.

Looking back, my biggest fear about a single-pin moveable sight was the same one that is shared by many bowhunters.  The worst-case scenario is coming to full draw on an animal only to have them move, and you get caught with a pin set at the wrong distance.  Do you aim high and let it fly, or let down, adjust, and hope you can still get the shot off?

Hha Tetra Ryz Review
Being at full draw with a moving target is a single-pin user's worst nightmare.

A decade after making the switch to a single-pin setup, I couldn’t be happier with my choice, but I will admit that “worst case scenario” still floats through my head now and again.  For that reason, I often practice holding high and estimating yardages or setting my pin at a “split the difference” yardage and holding either low or high, depending on the scenario.  Thankfully, those days look to be over with the introduction of the HHA Tetra RYZ.

The Tetra RYZ is a single-pin style sight with a secondary aiming point and yardage marker.  The second pin is not moveable, so the distance between your pins can’t change, and the yardage indicator is fixed as well.

The advantage for bowhunters is that with your main yardage indicator set to 20 yards, the secondary pin falls between 30 and 40 yards.  This is perfect for the vast majority of bowhunting scenarios, especially hunting whitetails here in the Midwest.

Hha Tetra Ryz Review
The Tetra RYZ gives you the advantages of a multi-pin sight in a single, vertical pin configuration.

Another benefit of a secondary aiming point is the ability to shoot longer distances without running into fletching clearance issues.  For those who like to extend their archery shots out to 100 yards or more, the Tetra RYZ now includes long-range yardage tapes.

I’m not one for shooting animals much past 40 yards, but flinging a few arrows at targets 100 yards away is always a good time.

Hha Tetra Ryz Review
Depending on your arrow's speed the secondary yardage indicator typically falls between 30 and 40 yards with the primary pin set to 20.

Like most HHA sights, the Tetra RYZ is available in various configurations depending on your needs, preference, and budget.  Fixed-positon models will start at just over $300 and will range up to $500 for the Tetra Max RYZ Tournament (dovetail) editions.  Including a new “short bar” dovetail designed to pair perfectly with Mathews new Bridgelock technology.

All Tetra RYZ sights come with a green top pin and your choice of yellow or red secondary pin depending on preference.  They are also available in .010 or .019 pin configurations.

Tetra RYZ sights are available at your local HHA Sports dealers now.  Online orders will be shipping in the next 2-3 weeks.  Learn more at HHASports.com

Justin Zarr
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General Manager at Bowhunting.com
Justin has been bowhunting for more than 30 years and co-hosting the popular bowhunting show Bowhunt or Die since 2010.  He lives in the NW suburbs of Chicago with his wife, 3 children, and semi-smelly dog.
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