Are you a Buck Namer? You know, the hunter that names every buck that makes an appearance on a trail camera? Or are you the hunter that thinks Buck Namers are idiots? Maybe you’re somewhere in the middle, but most all deer hunters fall somewhere in the mix when it comes to giving a deer a name.
Sure, the naming of bucks is nothing new, but it has certainly grown in popularity in the last decade, or two, with the evolution of the modern day trail camera. And while some are more original than others, there are some that just won’t go away. Here’s a look at the most overused names for bucks.
Longhorn – A classic buck name that’s been around longer than most of us have been alive. He’s super wide, but often short-tined. This is typically the go-to name for any really wide whitetail buck.
Kickstand – Got a buck with a drop-tine showing up on trail camera? Chances are, you thought about naming it, Kickstand. Most Buck Namers do.
Zeus – Don’t even think about naming a small buck, Zeus! For the hunter that likes to dabble with Greek mythology, this name is reserved for the most majestic bucks on the block.
Lucky – This buck was originally named by some of our great grandpas back in the day. It’s a name for the buck that continues to elude every hunter in the club. He’s been shot at multiple times, took a few bullets, but keeps on trucking. Hunters always refer to any such buck as, Lucky.
Stickers – Looking for an easy name that won’t require much thought and creativity? If he’s got stickers on his rack, just name him, Stickers.
Splits – Splits is the brother – maybe cousin – to Stickers. They’re typically found running pretty close. When he pops up on the trail cam, you’ll quickly know whether it’s Splits…or Stickers.
Hightower – The Police Academy movie from back in the 80’s featured a man named, Moses Hightower. He was known for his immense stature and strength. That’s why the Hightower name is perfectly suited for any buck with substantial height.
Trashy – If you like your bucks a little on the trashy side, then you’ll love when Trashy shows up on the trail camera. You may try to come up with a better name, but chances are you’ll still call him, Trashy.
Wide-Load – This one has been around a long time, however, in most cases, hunters that name their buck, Wide-Load, honestly believe they are the first deer hunter to ever name their buck, Wide-Load.
Tiny – Don’t let this one fool you. It’s kind of like when the guys down at the factory affectionately refer to their fat, coworker buddy as, Slim. Yes, Tiny may in fact be a buck that’s large and in charge. However, less creative deer hunters may also use this name for a deer that is in fact, tiny.
Megatron – This is the name given by a deer hunter still hanging on to his love and admiration for the Transformer toy, show, or movie. Bucks worthy of this name will be at least 5 years in age, with an overly impressive rack of antlers on its head.
What about you? What are the best and worst names for bucks that you’ve ever heard? Comment below and let us know your list.