The National Wild Turkey Federation has turned Nashville into Turkey Town once again with their annual convention and sports show. The annual event draws the greatest gathering of turkey hunters you’ll find anywhere. The crew has a booth at this year’s show and has enjoyed the chance to meet and greet old friends, and new, in the first couple days of the show.

The convention plays host to a number of banquets, meetings, and events with the sole purpose of benefiting the wild turkey. Fundraising and conservation events at the show annually raise thousands of dollars to help further wild turkey conservation.
Seminars and “campfire meetings” are crowd favorites with popular speakers like Cuz Strickland, Harold Knight, Will Primos, Jimmy Primos and Mark Prudhome. You’ll find everything from how-to instructional sessions, to turkey hunting history, and everything in between.
The best turkey callers in the country compete for the coveted Grand National Calling Champion title each year at the NWTF Show. Callers from across the country take the stage to display their best rendition of the wild turkey. From the youngest of contestants, to the oldest of veteran callers, you’ll be amazed at the turkey sounds produced during the calling contest each year.
Regardless of whether you hunt turkey, deer, or ducks, you’ll find a seemingly endless supply of calls, gear and gadgets on display at the show. The show floor is filled with every type of turkey call imaginable, and the sounds of the spring woods never seem to cease. If it’s turkey gear you want, this is the place to find it.
The NWTF Show is more than just a hunting show. It’s a place where friends come together, stories are told, and the rich tradition of turkey hunting is shared. It’s a place where hunters connect, share memories, and anxiously look ahead to what the next season will bring.
Best of all, the NWTF Show is where the next generation of turkey hunters are born, raised and taught by the pioneers that paved the way. It’s a unique experience you won’t find anywhere else.
There’s still time! Come join us at the 2024 NWTF Show in Nashville, Tennessee at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center.