Top 5 Excuses for Buying a New Bow

By February 7, 20222 Comments

Regardless of whether you call it a need, a necessity, a splurge, or a write-off, most any time is a great time to buy a new bow. But just in case you’re struggling to come up with an excuse to buy a new bow, we’ve got you covered.

Here’s a look at the top 5 excuses to buy a new bow this year.

1. You’re Shooting Old Equipment

Some bowhunters find a bow they love and stick with it for years. Despite new options hitting the market, they’ll be as committed to that bow as they are their marriage. They don’t want another one, nor do they need another one.

While some bowhunters change bows nearly as quick as they change their socks, these diehards stick with an old, faithful bow that has performed flawlessly over the years, with countless deer tags under its belt.

An old bow hanging on the peg is likely the easiest way to justify buying something new. Bow technology changed in a hurry over the last several decades. What was once quiet, solid, and smooth, now feels noisy, bulky, and painful to shoot.

Ten years makes a big difference when it comes to bow technology. So if you’ve got a bow with plenty of mileage, this might be a good time to buy a new bow.  

Top 5 Excuses For Buying A New Bow
Will you shoot an old, faithful bow this season, or finally pull the trigger on buying a new bow?

2. You Lack Confidence in Your Current Bow

Confidence is key when it comes to most any performance driven sport. And when it comes to archery, confidence can make or break you. If you don’t have confidence in your equipment, you better make a change.

Sure, you can keep pounding away on the target range in hopes of finding confidence in equipment that you’re not getting along with. But if there’s any shred of doubt lingering in the back of your mind, it will creep back up. I don’t have much use for a bow I lack confidence in.

There’s enough variables stacked against you as a bowhunter. Don’t add to the mix with equipment you can’t count on. If you don’t have confidence in your bow – sell it – and buy a new one.

3. You Want a Different Size

One of the best things about bow technology over the last decade is the ability to pack a smaller and shorter bow without significantly sacrificing performance. There’s an endless search for bows that are faster, quieter, shorter, lighter, and more efficient. And regardless of what brand you prefer, you’ll likely find all these features built in to today’s bow.

Bows under the 30” axle to axle range are common today. It’s a size that is super packable, yet delivers ample accuracy and performance. Bowhunters are trading in their 38”-42” bows of the past for lean, mean, deer killing machines built in a more compact option found in the archery shop today. If you’re looking for a shorter, lighter, more compact bow option, there’s no better time than now to buy a new bow.

Should I Bow A New Bow This Year Or Stick With Old Faithful?
There's been a ton of innovation in bow technology take place in the last 20 years. Are you ready to buy in to the latest?

4. You Got a Hefty Tax Return

Right or wrong, the first tax return I got back after getting married went to the purchase of a brand new Mathews bow. I bought the flagship bow from Mathews that year for $550.

It was a purchase I couldn’t have pulled off with the slim, newlywed budget I was on. But when the tax return came through, it was just the excuse I needed to pull the trigger.

Archery shop owners love when the tax returns go out. It’s when they experience their biggest boost in sales for the year. Sure, you could spend the money on home improvements, but it just might be best spent on a new bow.

Bow Buying Mistakes To Avoid

5. You’re Trying to Keep Up with Spouse Spending

I once heard a guy recommend a marriage agreement where both husband and wife were allotted the same amount of spending on gear, gadgets, and goods. The thought scared me to death!

But my wife isn’t one to lean towards frivolous spending. Big ticket items aren’t on her radar.  Still, for others, their wives seem to be on a never-ending shopping spree. If this is you, this might be the perfect opportunity to buy a new bow.

She spends a thousand bucks on clothes, bags and boots – you spend a thousand bucks on a new bow. It’s the perfect way to keep things fair and balanced.


Let’s be honest. Most any excuse is a good excuse for buying a new bow. The ones mentioned above are just a handful of the most common ones that come up each year. Buying a new bow helps support your local archery shop, as well as stoke your passion for archery and bowhunting. Buy the bow – shoot the bow – go hunting this season. It’s the good stuff of life.  

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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