LAST UPDATED: May 8th, 2015
Just one week into the big buck state of Wisconsin’s archery season and there is once again talk of a possible new state record!
On the evening of September 20th, 2009, while most of the bowhunters across the country were still dreaming of the season that laid before them, Fon Du Loc resident, Wayne Schumacher was living his. At around dusk that eve, Wayne arrowed this huge non-typical buck, said to boast 30 scorable points!
Wayne was in a treestand over-looking partially wooded and flat terrain, when the buck stepped into view. The buck was shot, quartering away, at a mere 15 yards, only to expire around 70 or so. He had no time to get nervous, as he stated, “it was over in less than 30 seconds”.
Wayne’s hunting partner and brother was the first to find the animal. After a long drag and a struggling effort, the two were able to get the “once in a lifetime” buck into the tailgate of their truck. The buck was registered this past Monday, after Wayne put in 1/2 days worth of work.
The incredible buck carried an inside spread of 20 1/2″, and field-dressed a whopping 225 pounds! Early estimates of the bucks age put him at about 4 1/2 to 5 years of age.
Bowhunting.Com wishes a HUGE congratulations to bowhunter, Wayne Schumacher, on this incredible whitetail trophy. The buck will have to wait the mandatory 60-day drying period before it can be officially measured, but either way, what a buck!
The staff here will update this story as we receive more information and it’s final score and tally. Congrats again to hunter Wayne Schumacher.