Long Legs, Big Breasts…and a Beard: Bearded Hen Gets All the Lovin’

By April 29, 20161 Comment

Long legs, big breasts…and a beard. Lets face it, it happens. In the human world, it’s never pretty. But for one gang of western gobblers I came across, it was love when the bearded hen showed up.

When I first pulled my truck up on the scene, it became quickly clear to me that Montana gobblers don’t discriminate. It would take more than a bearded beauty to put the breaks on spring’s romance ritual for these wild turkeys.

In fact, despite there being several “hot hens” in the bunch, the bearded chic got all the attention before the toms moved on to breed the other less attractive, beardless hens.

gobblers scuffle over bearded hen

As you would expect, there was quite a bit of pushing and shoving over who would get to do the deed with the bearded hen.

turkey breeding bearded hen

After a brief scuffle over the bearded lady, the bully of the bunch proved victorious and stepped up to claim his prize.

turkey breeding hen

While the breeder did the deal, his sidekick simply strutted and looked on, with jealousy in his eyes.

gobbler with hen

A few moments later, the gobbler stepped off the bearded hen, and she slid back to her feet.

Just another day in the life of a spring turkey…

Have you ever witnessed a little romance in the turkey woods? Comment below, and let us know what crazy stuff you’ve seen while hunting!

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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