The best days of the whitetail deer season are finally here. The rut is happening right now. Big buck photos are flooding our social media pages every day and we’re pretty much consumed with having our own encounter with a big buck. Truthfully,ย however, many hunters will never experience what the sights and sounds of the whitetail rut actually look like. Much less understand what they mean. Thankfully, as you’ll see in the video below,ย the crew at Deer & Deer Hunting do a great job at bringing an up close look at the whitetail rut and theย knowledge for understanding deer behavior during the rut.
Part of the problem for a lot of hunters is they fail to put the time in during the rut. They have one lousy hunt on Saturday, the only day they’ve hunted all week, and complain, “The rut is not happening this year.” You have to put in the hours to experience what’s happening in the whitetail woods. You simply don’t know unless you go. Be in the woods as much as time allows at this time of the year.
Crazy stuff, huh? We want to hear from you. Comment below and let us know what kind of encounters you’ve experienced during the rut.