I was eating lunch with one of my kids at school the other day when another dad approached me and asked me about the Oneida Eagle Bows hoodie I was wearing. “Do they still make those bows?” he asked. He went on to say that he had an Oneida bow that he shot and hunted with for many years. He said he didn’t get to hunt much anymore, but I could see a spark in his eyes when I shared with him that Oneida was indeed still making bows, and nowadays making them better than ever before.

Oneida Phoenix
John Paul Morris acquired Oneida Eagle Bows over the last couple years and has quickly helped the company take a new direction in product development, design and availability. It’s been a win-win for Oneida Eagle fans everywhere.
“We are very excited to re-introduce Oneida Eagle Bows,” says Morris. “We have taken years of Oneida’s legendary designs and manufacturing experience and improved upon them to bring archers the best lever-action bows out there. These high- performance bows give archers a unique blend of performance and feel for the ultimate shooting experience.”
An avid bowfisherman, Morris knew Oneida had found its niche as the Cadillac of bowfishing bows. That’s honestly what drew him to the opportunity to acquire the company.
“Serious bowfishermen know there is simply no better bow than the Osprey. Our design offers the smooth draw of a recurve needed for snapshots, with the power of a compound for those big fish. Oneida Eagle bows are built 100% in America by bowfishermen, for bowfishermen and women.”
While bowfishing occupies much of John Paul’s time and attention during the spring and summer months, he’s got big game bowhunting in his blood and spends all fall chasing deer, elk and other big game across the country. For that reason, the Oneida crew quickly began to look at how they could build a better bowhunting rig. The result was the Oneida Phoenix. It’s honestly somewhat of the ATV of bows. It can handle anything you can dish out on the bowfishing waters, as well as deliver some incredible performance when bowhunting big game.
The Phoenix is a beefy bow that was designed to strike fast, hit hard, yet be much quieter than previous Oneida bows. It is available in draw lengths from 24.75″ on the Short model, to 31.5″ on the Long model. You can find Draw Weights in 30-50 pounds, as well as 50-70 pounds. The Brace Height is 6″-6 3/8″ (Short and Medium Models) and 6 3/4″ – 7″ (Long Model). Finish options include: Flat Black, Kanati Camo, Blue Viper, and Army Green. Price – $1,199
John Paul Morris put the Oneida to work on bugling bulls this fall.
10 Things You’ll Love About Oneida Bows
Fast target acquisition: Perfected over decades of designing and building bows, our riser design delivers an optimum sight picture for instant targeting. This superior sightline allows archers to acquire targets faster than ever, while still delivering precision and accuracy.
Smooth Drawing: Oneida’s advanced Power Limbs help deliver a consistent draw force curve, allowing archers to shoot anytime during the draw cycle. This snapshooting ability is incredibly important in bowfishing, where opportunities often present themselves in the blink of an eye.
Morris with a big Missouri buck.
Easy to Maintain: If you ever run into problems in the field or out on the water, you’ll be happy you are shooting an Oneida Eagle. These easy-to-work-on bows allow many common adjustments in the field with just a few tools and no bowpress.
Quality Manufacturing: Oneida Eagle Bows are 100% American made by serious bowfishermen and hunters who understand just how important it is to shoot the best. We pride ourselves on delivering the utmost in quality and customer service.
Finger Friendly: Our lever action designs are extremely versatile to fit any archer’s preferred shooting style; deadly accurate with a release while still extremely forgiving for archers looking to shoot with their fingers.
Modern Styling: Oneida Eagle Bows have a very unique appearance that stand out in the store or in your hand up on the trophy stand. The combination of recurve limb tips and state of the art cams jump out as something special, a look that’s sure to make your buddies jealous. Now offered in Official True Timber patterns Deadfin and Kanati.
Natural Pointing: The ergonomic grip on an Oneida Eagle bow increases your natural point of aim, allowing for precision shot placement either with sights or totally instinctive.
Custom Fit: Shooters of all sizes will appreciate the extended adjustment range for draw weight and lengths through Oneida Eagle’s module system (modules included).
Lightweight Design: Oneida Eagle uses the highest quality materials to construct one of the lightest bowfishing bows available. When bowfishing all day, every added ounce of weight is crucial.
Results: Oneida Eagle bows have earned the most wins in the tournament bow fishing world, capturing more World Championships than any other brand. In a sport where reliability is demanded, Oneida Eagle has dominated.
Whether you’re bowhunting, or bowfishing, you really ought to give Oneida Eagle Bows a look. They’re right at home both in the woods and on the water. Check them out at www.oneidaeaglebows.com.