
Why You Should Shoot Lighted Nocks

By July 10, 2020

LAST UPDATED: June 21st, 2021

If you’ve been around the archery and bowhunting world the last 10-15 years, you’ve probably heard about lighted nocks. But have you ever tried them?

I’m amazed at the number of hunters that have been reluctant to give lighted nocks a try on the back end of their arrows due to concerns and criticism about how they might perform. 

So to help put your mind at ease, as well as encourage you to give lighted nocks a try, we offer the following reasons why you should try lighted nocks this season. 

Check out the video below for a closer look at why so many people are now shooting Lumenok lighted nocks when they hit the woods or water…

Know Where Your Arrow Goes

“Where’d you hit him?” 

It’s the first question you’ll get when you report back to hunting camp and share the news of taking a shot. 

Unfortunately, if you’re not shooting a lighted nock, the whereabouts of your shot impact may be sketchy.

Hunters everywhere are shooting lighted nocks for the opportunity to know where their arrow goes. It’s the single greatest tool you can employ following the shot execution. 

No more guess work. Lighted nocks let you know where your arrow goes.

The Lumenok HD orange lit up on the arrow's path toward a nice buck.

Recover More Downed Game

Depending on what broadhead you’re shooting, you may or may not get a pass-through with your arrow. And when you don’t, there’s no better time to have a lighted nock on the shaft. It pretty much pulls double duty as a beacon to help you recover more game. 

You’ll be able to track your deer’s departure after the shot, and then recover it easier than ever, in daylight or dark. You’ll be glad your arrow is wearing a lighted nock when you make a less than perfect shot and the arrow stays in the animal. 

Add Excitement to the Shooting Experience

Regardless of whether you’re hunting big game, small game, bowfishing, or dropping long bombs out back on the range, lighted nocks add a ton of fun to the shooting experience. 

The flight of the arrow is one of the most mystical aspects of archery. It never grows old. A lighted nock  simply adds to the experience by adding even greater visibility of your arrow in flight.

If you want to add some big-time fun to your adventure, try adding a lighted nock to your bowfishing arrow, or do a night shoot on the backyard range. It’s a fun spin on any after-hours shooting experience.

strutting turkey with lighted nock
Lighted nocks work well on turkeys, too!

Save Money on Arrows

Not only do lighted nocks help you recover more game, but they’ll also help you recover more missing arrows after the shot. 

Whether your arrow just blew through the rib cage of a whitetail buck, or over the top of the foam target out behind the house, lighted nocks will minimize the time you spend looking for arrows after the shots. And if you’re finding more arrows, you’re saving more money. It’s a win-win.

Start Seeing the Light With Lumenok

No other lighted nock on the market allows you to see the light like Lumenok. They’re the original lighted nock and still the brightest and most dependable lighted nock on the market. They come in a variety of color options and are built to fit most any arrow on the market. 

Check them out at www.lumenok.com. 

Brodie Swisher
Brodie Swisher is a world champion game caller, outdoor writer, seminar speaker and Editor for Bowhunting.com. Brodie and his family live in the Kentucky Lake area of west Tennessee.
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