Bowfishing can be an action-packed adventure with a lot of shooting. Learn the basics of what it takes to shoot fish with a stick and string.
BHOD pro-staffer, Dan Richardson, walks you through how to set up a bowfishing bow in this quick and simple video on how to set up a bowfishing bow.
We often put first timers in the boat, hand them a bow, and tell them to "aim low." But there is a better way to learn how to shoot better when bowfishing.
There are more bow options available to today's bowfishermen than ever before. Here we have assembled our list of the best bowfishing bows for 2015.
Bowfishing is fast-paced, action-packed and can be quite addicting. If you're thinking about joining this growing sport here's a few tips to help get you started.
My husband and I are both avid bowhunters who, like most archers, enjoy chasing big game animals. He has been bowhunting his entire life while I just picked it up several years ago. Looking for something to keep us busy during the off season we reently de
Spring has sprung and that means one thing.....It's Bowfishing Time!