LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015
The summer of falling bowfishing records continues. This time its back in Illinois, where a near 60 pound non-native fish is one of nearly 12,000 fish now used for fertilizer.
Last weekend (July 16-17) at the Bowfishing Association of Illinois’ second-annual Director’s Shoot, bowfisherman Robb Kemper shattered the previous state record bighead Asian carp with a 59 lb. 4 oz. brute. The previous record was a 43 lb. 5.6 oz. fish taken on the Des Plaines River in 2010.
Iowan, Robb Kemper, holds up the NEW Illinois state bowfishing Asian carp record.
During the tournament, which promotes the enjoyment of bowfishing and the removal of Asian carp, nearly 48,000 pounds of invasive fish were removed from the Illinois River. The winning team took an incredible 2,932 Asian and common carp.
The Hunting Network staff wishes to congratulate bowfisherman, Robb Kemper, on his huge fish. Although Robb was fishing for an Iowa based team, he’s okay in our book. Congrats Robb!