16-Year Old Seth Bisbee’s NEW North Dakota Record Buck

By January 16, 2012

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

When 16-year old bowhunter Seth Bisbee set out on the first day of the 2011 North Dakota deer season, he probably never imagined how it would unfold. Just a few short days ago, this young man’s incredible bow-kill officially became the state’s NEW greatest archery typical – all 178 5/8-inches of him.

Opening evening of deer season, Seth sat a ground blind adjacent to a field where his father and him had captured trailcamera pictures all summer of some giant bucks, including several pictures of a monstrous main frame 5×5 with a couple sticker points. At last light, that same buck made his way within bow-range of the young hunter. As Seth drew his bow the buck caught movement, bounded away, and disappeared into the countryside.

trailcam pic of buck coming out of velvet

Seth Bisbee’s family captured many trailcamera photos throughout the summer of the GIANT buck that would become North Dakota’s NEW typical bow record.

The very next afternoon, Seth made his way back into the same ground blind. Late into the evening, a 6×6 buck in full velvet showed, presenting Seth with a new opportunity. Unfortunately, Seth’s arrow missed the target and he had to bear witness to yet another buck as it fled the scene. However, a short time later the same 5×5 from the night before walked into the field and began making its way toward the young hunter. After a few moments the buck walked within bow-range and, although cautious at first, the great buck finally relaxed and lowered his head to feed. At just 17 yards, Seth drew back his bow and released what he thought was a good hit. Not wanting to chance pushing the deer however, Seth returned home, deciding not to take up the trail until the next morning.

boy with huge 10 point

The following morning’s search was an easy one. A well laid blood trail lead Seth right to his trophy buck and into the state’s record book. The buck that had eluded his family for years was now being held in his fingertips.

seth bisbee with antlers

16-year old Seth Bisbee holding his NEW North Dakota record buck.

The main frame 5×5 had an inside spread of just 17 2/8-inches, but still grossed 193 total inches. After the mandatory 60-day drying period, the buck netted 178 5/8-inches and became the greatest typical ever to fall to a bow hunter within the state. The previous bow record was 173 3/8-inches, taken by hunter Mark Palda in 2000.

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