Four Celebs that Should Host their own Hunting Show

By May 21, 2014

LAST UPDATED: May 1st, 2015

The key to a good outdoor televisions show seems relatively simple. Good footage, good audio, and a host who is a good representative of the hunter. Preferably a host with charm, wit, and an easy grasp of his or her identity. We threw out the idea around our office and came up with a short list of names we would like to see host their own hunting show. What follows are the results. They include an NFL player, an actress, a professional fisherman, and a rather unusual chap from Wisconsin.

Kevin VanDam – Not many people know this, but when KVD isn’t out-fishing every human on the planet, including entire fleets of fishing vessels, he’s nestled up in a tree in any one of a variety of Midwestern states chasing whitetail. From what we’ve read over the years, he’s pretty good too. A few years back KVD took a buck that grossed over 173 inches following a 275 yard shot with a gun in Kansas. Plus, think about all the celebrity guests he might have on his show. Including, but not limited to Mike Iaconelli, otherwise often referred to as “that professional bass fisherman who isn’t Kevin VanDam who yells a lot”.  

kvd with buck

Legendary fisherman Kevin VanDam posing with one of his many whitetail bucks.

Jared Allen – When this 6’6”, 265 pound monster of the grid iron isn’t chasing down the sub-par quarterbacks of the NFC North, he’s out chasing big game. But it’s the way that Jared does it that grabs our attention. Jared has panache, and is often eager to put down the relative ease of a modern compound bow in favor of a more ancestral approach – a spear. While hunting with fellow hunting madman Tim Wells for his show Relentless Pursuit several years back, Jared took a 700 pound bull elk by way of a seven foot spear. On his website he even claims to want to be the first guy on video to take a bear with one.  Further stating, “A lot of Indians tried it, but you don’t see them anymore. So that’s a bad sign”. Something like that Jared, but we’d like to see you try anyway.

jared allen hunting

Madman Jared Allen says he wants to be the first man in video history to take a bear with spear.

Dan Infalt – This name might be new to some. But to those of us who call the Midwest home he’s a living legend of sorts. The Wisconsin native lives and breathes to hunt mature whitetails and does so in a way that almost seems discourteous to his unsuspecting target. Dan hunts them where they sleep. He literally finds the place they call home and attempts to interrupt that tranquil environment by shooting an arrow through it. What’s even more impressive is that he does most of this from public land. Rumor has it, that Dan grows an inch of hair for every buck he takes. If that’s the case, he’s the real deal.

Dan infalt hunting

Dan Infalt poses with just a few whitetail he’s taken over the years. Notice his unusually long hair.

Eliza Dushku – You may remember this sweet little gal from the 1994 Arnold Schwarzenegger action thriller, True Lies. All grown up, this girl nearly became a Hollywood A-lister. Until of course, the mainstream media got ahold of her secret hobby. Yes, it’s true, Eliza loves to hunt with the boys and chase big game across the North American continent. She even claims she eats the meat. It may have ticked PETA off when she announced her love of hunting, but it excited the likes of good ole’ boys everywhere. I know we love her, and would be glued to the television screen each week to watch her chase game anywhere she traveled.

eliza dushku shooting bow

Gorgeous gal Eliza Dushku showing off her bow shooting skills on Jimmy Kimmel Live.  

This could be the start of the greatest two hours of outdoor television ever assembled.

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