Dude Perfect Has Done It Again

By October 29, 2015

The guys from Dude Perfect have certainly made a name for themselves amongst the hunting community over the past twelve months. Last year a near viral video of the five man crew showcased their bow shooting ability in acrobatic fashion, dropping the jaws of everyone who’s ever slung a bow in competition. Their most recent release flirts less with the technical side of our beloved sport and more with the human funny bone. The new video tackles every hunting stereotype they could assemble into a short seven minute video that’s well worth the watch. We all know the types. Hardcore hunters, newbies, the friend who always falls asleep in stand, and the guy who just has to own everything new that comes out. (Here at Bowhunting.Com, we call that last guy – boss).

What can I say, the short generalizations are flat out funny. But anytime you have a guy shooting a duck decoy from three yards away, as a man, you have to laugh. I say as a man, since after letting my wife watch the same video she barely cracked a smile. Letting me know how silly men are after she finished. There is no greater sign of pure comedic genius that I can think of than a wife who doesn’t laugh at the same entertainment as myself. It’s a true sign in my house of pure comic gold.

The guys from Dude Perfect bring us the very funny, “Hunting Stereotypes”. Enjoy.

Mike Willand
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