Bonus Footage


20 Shots in 20 Minutes

Check out this collection of some of our favorite bowhunting shots from through the years. Whether it’s early-season bowhunting in the heat, the excitement of bowhunting the rut, or toughing it out during the freezing cold of late-season, we love bowhunting! So kick back for a few minutes and check out this great compilation of […]
8/28/2024August 28th, 2024

Pearce Em'

Mike Pearce bowhunts Indiana during the early season, and puts down a nice doe. Pearce Em!
9/30/2016September 30, 2016

Richie Music Hit List 2016

Richie Music shares some of his trail camera photos with us and has an encounter with some angery wasps.
9/23/2016September 23, 2016

John Herrmann Hit List 2016

John Herrmann gives us a look at some of the nice whitetails he’ll be chasing in Illinois and Wisconsin this fall.
9/10/2016September 10, 2016

Troy Spolum Antelope Doe

After tagging out on a nice antelope buck, Troy Spolum took advantage of some extra time to spot and stalk antelope does before heading home.  Although the shot is a bit off the mark, the Spitfire DoubleCross put her down in short order.
9/10/2016September 10, 2016

Todd Graf Hit List 2016

Take a look at Todd’s Hit List bucks for this year. Don’t forget to leave a comment below and give these bucks some names!
8/26/2016August 26, 2016